I love all that is beautiful.
-Adi Rusydi Abdul Rahman
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 @ 5:47 PM
Get Well Soon!.

Receiving bad news.
Im having a bad morning as i did'nt sleep much last night,
i took 6pills and i still could'nt go to bed and my teeth was aching badly.
I kept thinking about you and worried soo much,
I was attending the muslim talk and received
a phone call from you last night. I got really freaked out
when you said you were hospitalised.
I quickly ran out from the theatre and sat at one corner.
I didnt know what to do, i got soo worrid and i cried soo badly,
Shafiee was there to encourage me.
I was praying the whole time for you outside.
I hope you will get well soon as i really care for you
and dont want to loose you, not at a time like this.
I regret soo much for having a fight the night before with you.
i felt soo bad about it.
I will always be praying for you.
للهم عافني في بدني اللهم عافني سمعي اللهم
عافني بصري
للهم إني أعوذبك من الكفر والفقر. اللهم إني
أعوذبك من عذاب القبر لا إله إلا أنت
سألك العفو و العافية وحسن اليقين والمعافاة فى
الدنيا والأخرة


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