I love all that is beautiful.
-Adi Rusydi Abdul Rahman
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 12:11 AM
No Man’s Land..

Everyday I wake up wishing that this is all a fantasy, that everything is made up and unreal and dreamed. Everyday I wake up hoping to find a script to rehearse; hoping this life turns into a movie where everything is perfectly played out, and your success depends on how well you perform your lines; how well you perform your lies. I find myself wishing for someone to write out what I'm suppose to say, and how I'm supposed to end up in these situations, and handle them completely perfectly. I find myself wishing that I can simply get by pretending.

I can't wait for the day I realize that I am my own author,
that I can write my own story. I can have all the confidence in the world, all it takes is will power...I always seem to be lacking when it comes to reliance in myself.

We are the Brave New World.

Explanation: The Brave New world was an anti-Utopian Novel. An Anti-Utopian novel is one that warns against the creation of a perfect society. It was written right before the holocaust, I believe. Many anti-uptopian pieces have been made, but despite this fact, we are still trying to make a perfect world. In fact, today we live in a world where our decisions are all made for us.I can take a warning. If there is one thing I'm good at doing, it's listening. Go read this book. It describes how we are today. Perhaps not litterally. but it's damn close.You don't live for yourself. You don't live for what you believe in. You live for what you are told to think.


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