I love all that is beautiful.
-Adi Rusydi Abdul Rahman
Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 8:59 PM

For some inexplicable reason, when your voice rings through my body, my deepest emotion engorges and vacillates with the overwhelming essence of loneliness. And such an urge amounts from wishing to be where you are, because nothing else seems to matter, seems to compliment and waver with the emotion I never thought I could have known, that only you have managed to evoke.

And this seems to be the only explanation I can offer up as to why I quiver and shake in my solitude, and in the presence of the very thought of you. You introduced yourself by your name, and I would never want to enjoy anything more about you, than what you offer up to me personally, simply because that's how my ideals manifest. I tried to flatter something more, and not only was I out of character, but to this day, I think you took it the wrong way. Which is why, again, I can never say what I'd like to say, and this time, I don't think so much that this "fate" will work in my favor.

You may just be the first thing in years that I've wanted but couldn't have. Sometimes my spine is too weak to hold my bashful and timid head upon my shoulders, just to say the things I feel, for fear of something completely unknown. You do to me without even a single ounce of effort what hundreds have tried, and failed before they could even have a chance to start.

I will mourn the day I met you, the day you told me your name. And I will mourn the day I met you, when you showed me something I'm sure you didn't mean to. I will mourn that day, because now I know what I never would have even dreamed of knowing, and now when I hear your voice, you knock down my walls so elegantly built, and understanding engulfs my knowledge that there is something better than solitude, and with that comes the regret. Ignorance has always been my bliss, and I had always understood that I couldn't desire something I didn't know or understand, and now I know, and now my body aches. And solitude has always been my company. Keeping me quiet and sane. Solitude has always fortified my mind, and now, you've left it susceptible.

And now, all I can say is that it's such a sad thing that I'm such an awkward being for a match to my ideas and thoughts I could never find, but so docile am I that I could never admit to it, never approach you and everything you are, everything you think, and everything that I am that I see in you.


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